Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Inside Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Master Data Management Scenario

Inside Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Master Data Management Scenario
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to describe Master Data Management capabilities included in standard Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Please note that in the previous articles I described how to implement Master Data Management scenario for Microsoft Dynamics using Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Master Data Services.
Challenge: There is number of tools and services available for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 which have Master Data Management capabilities. The challenge is to understand usage scenarios and how to apply them properly. Please note that Master Data Management capabilities included in standard product may be enough for some of your scenarios.
Solution: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 does provide some out-of-the-box Master Data Management capabilities for number of business entities which we are going to review in this document.  
In this walkthrough for the sake of simplicity I’ll be focusing on usual Master Data Management entities such as Customers and Products.
In this walkthrough I’m using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Demo VM (AX2012R2A) which has USMF company as a part of Demo data
Let’s first consider Customers. The customer business entity in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 has associated Global Address Book record which can be one of two types: Person or Organization
Global Address Book
Please note that in Maintain section on Global address book tab in the menu bar we have number of functions which may help us to manage Global address book records such as “Merge duplicates” and “Check for duplicates”
Check duplicates
Check duplicates function allows you to find similar Global address book records based on set of criteria such as Name, Phone, E-mail, State, City, ZIP/postal code. In this case I was looking for Global address book records also belonging to WA State
After you identify duplicate Global address book records you can merge them by using “Merge records” function
Merge party records
On the dialog screen you will have to select Survivor party
All customers
Please note that you can also export information to Excel workbook from any list page in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Now let’s look at Products. In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 you can manage products and product masters definitions separately from released products. Product and product master definitions are shared across all companies, but released products are typically only released to selected companies. This allows for centralized management of products within enterprise, at the same time you may want to create released product right away (decentralized approach) and the system will create appropriate product definition for you automatically
All products and product masters
Using centralized approach once you created product definition you will release it to one or more companies
Release products – Select products
Release products – Select companies
Product release session batch
Please note that you may want to execute release of products as a batch job
Ultimately when the product is released to particular company you will see it on Released products list page as shown below
Released products
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 also provides other data management capabilities applicable to any business entity or table. For example, Database log functionality allows you to log details of changes done to selected tables. Let’s see how we can apply Database log functionality to Customers and Products in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. 
Logging database changes - Welcome
//Configuration key = Ledger basic
Logging database changes – Tables and fields
In this particular case I’ll select Customers
Logging database changes – Type of change
I’ll be also interested to log all changes made to Customer records
Logging database changes - Finish
By the result of Logging database changes wizard the following record will be created on Database log setup form
Database log setup
Now when you do any changes to Customer records they will be appropriately tracked
Database log - Overview
You can also review details of those changes including info who changed the data, when, and what exactly was changed (old value vs new value)
Database log - History
Please note that when you activate Database log you introduce certain performance overhead
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 also provides Electronic Signature feature which works in conjunction with Database log functionality. Let’s review how this works!
First off Electronic Signature feature first has to be enabled in License Configuration
License Configuration  
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 provides number of standard templates for Electronic Signature controlled business entities. For example, BOM and Route
Electronic signature requirements
In this particular case I’ll activate Electronic Signature for BOM Activation process (“Activate BOM version”)
I’ll also need to get a certificate, designate approver and set up a password on Options form in Electronic Signature section
When all preparation work is done we can now test Electronic Signature functionality out
I’ll go ahead and try to activate BOM version so I see “Sign document” dialog popped up
Sign document
Now I’ll provide approver password so I can successfully activate BOM version
Database log
When I’m done the fact of change will be logged in Database log as shown above
Signature review
You can also review detailed information regarding change including Signature information
In this document we reviewed just some of Master Data Management capabilities included in standard Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Summary: This document describes how to leverage existing Master Data Management capabilities included in standard Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. In particular I explained how to use global address book and product management features related to Master Data Management, and some generic Master Data Management features such as Database log ad Electronic signature. Please review my other articles to learn how to implement Master Data Management scenario for Microsoft Dynamics using SQL Server Master Data Services.
Tags: Dynamics AX 2012, Master Data Management, Customers, Products, Global Address Book, Released Products, Database Log, Electronic Signature.
Note: This document is intended for information purposes only, presented as it is with no warranties from the author. This document may be updated with more content to better outline the issues and describe the solutions.
Author: Alex Anikiev, PhD, MCP

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Data Quality Services

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Data Quality Services
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to provide a walkthrough of how to leverage Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Data Quality Services in conjunction with Master Data Services for Microsoft Dynamics Master Data Management scenario.
Challenge: The pain that organizations are experiencing around data accuracy, consistent reporting, regulatory compliance, etc. generated a lot of interest in Master Data Management. Master Data Management becomes extremely important when you have multiple different systems and you have to manage the data in different systems. In fact what we would also love to do is to control the quality of the data and be able to perform data cleanse, data matching and other data quality related activities.
Solution: The data-quality solution provided by Data Quality Services (DQS) enables a data steward or IT professional to maintain the quality of their data and ensure that the data is suited for its business usage. DQS is a knowledge-driven solution that provides both computer-assisted and interactive ways to manage the integrity and quality of your data sources. DQS enables you to discover, build, and manage knowledge about your data. You can then use that knowledge to perform data cleansing, matching, and profiling. You can also leverage the cloud-based services of reference data providers in a DQS data-quality project.  
By now we have already implemented Master Data Management scenario using Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Master Data Services. The next step is to integrate Master Data Services with Data Quality Services to deliver end-to-end Master Data Management solution. For the sake of simplicity in this document I’ll consider usual Master Data Management entities such as Customers and Products.
In this walkthrough I’m using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Demo VM (AX2012R2A) which has Microsoft SQL Server 2012 installed and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online (free trial)
After you install Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Master Data Services and Data Quality Services (Server and Client components) you have to run Data Quality Server Installer to perform necessary post installation tasks by using dedicated installer which will create appropriate DQS databases, set up security, etc. In case you have multiple instances of Microsoft SQL Server installed please locate appropriate DQSInstaller.exe file in corresponding Microsoft SQL Server Binn folder
Please note that the default Microsoft SQL Server instance may be different from the desired (MSSQLSERVER) which is the case for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Demo VM (AX2012R2A), that’s why it is critical to run appropriate DQSInstaller.exe during DQS installation  
Data Quality Server Installer 
Once DQS installation is complete you can launch DQS Client
SQL Server Data Quality Services – Client
The next step will be to create Knowledge base for future data quality related activities. In particular I’ll be doing data matching trying to detect duplicates
Knowledge base management
Please note that number of domains are available for Knowledge base “DQS Data”. In particular I’ll be using “US – Last name” domain to detect duplicates based on last name of customers
Actual data matching we’ll perform in Microsoft Excel
That’s why first off we have to establish connection to MDS Server
Excel Add-in – Add new connection
Manage connections
Once connection has been established
Now we can use Master Data Explorer to open up appropriate Model (“Dynamics”)
In this scenario I’ll work with customers and at the moment I have one customer record in Customers table in MDS database
In Microsoft Excel I can introduce new (External) data as shown below
But before I publish this data to MDS I can perform data matching and find out if I have any duplicates or similar data based on criteria defined. For these purposes I’ll use Combine data feature which allows me to combine MDS data and External data in order to perform data matching activities
Combine data
I’ll select what data I want to combine and map the fields appropriately. Once this is done the system shows “who is who” in SOURCE field
When I have the data for analysis I can use Match data feature to perform data matching
Match data
Please note that for Name field I specify Domain = US – Last name, so the system will apply matching rules for the analysis based on Last name. The data will be clustered in accordance to similarity as shown below in CLUSTER_ID field  
Finally I’ll Show Details to see the results of extended analysis
Please note that for External data the system assigned a score in SCORE field which shows degree of similarity within the cluster. It appears that “Alex Anikiiev” is 90% similar to “Alex Anikiev” which allows me to define and eliminate duplicate data before publishing this to MDS
You can also perform periodic data cleanse, data matching and other data quality related activities using MDS and DQS to ensure the quality of your master data
Summary: This document describes how to leverage integration of Master Data Services and Data Quality Services when implementing Master Data Management scenario for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM. In particular I explained how to use Data Quality services in order to perform data matching based on certain criteria. Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides a robust platform for Master Data Management which not only includes Master Data Services, but also Data Quality Services, SQL Server Integration Services, etc. Master Data Services provides Web front-end as well as Excel Add-in which allows you to choose your favorite tool to perform Master Data Management activities.
Tags: SQL Server 2012, Dynamics AX 2012, Dynamics CRM Online, Master Data Management, Master Data Services, Data Quality Services, SQL Server Integration services, Customers, Products.
Note: This document is intended for information purposes only, presented as it is with no warranties from the author. This document may be updated with more content to better outline the issues and describe the solutions.
Author: Alex Anikiev, PhD, MCP

Monday, July 15, 2013

Data Import using Visual Studio Test Framework

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Data Import using Visual Studio Test Framework
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to illustrate how to use Visual Studio Test Framework to import data into Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Challenge: For the purposes of POC (Proof of Concept) or testing in you need to import business data into Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 with minimum effort without knowing the specifics of the data model and business logic, you can do it via User Interface with help of Visual Studio Test Framework
Solution: Using Microsoft Visual Studio Test Project you can create a Coded UI Test that tests whether the User Interface for an application functions correctly. Coded UI Test performs actions on the user interface controls for an application and verifies that specified controls display the correct values. However in this scenario we’ll use coded UI test, specifically Data Driven Coded UI Test, to automate tedious manual task of entering the data into the system via User Interface

Walkthrough: Data Driven Coded UI Test
Create Test project
Add Coded UI Test
Generate Code for Coded UI Test: Record actions, edit UI map or add assertions
Coded UI Test Builder
Start recording
Now we will go through the usual process of customer creation in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 while recording all the actions
You can pause recording and then resume it if required
Once done we’ll give a name to the method. For example, CustomerImport
You can record actions for more methods if required. For example, for import of vendors, etc 
The system will generate all necessary code for you
Source code
public void CustomerImport()


    #region Variable Declarations

    WinMenuItem uICustomerMenuItem = this.UIMicrosoftDynamicsAXDWindow.UIHomeTabWindow.UINewGroup.UICustomerMenuItem;

    WinEdit uINameEdit = this.UICustomer1usmfNewRecoWindow.UIItemWindow.UINameEdit;

    WinClient uICustomergrouplookupbClient = this.UICustomer1usmfNewRecoWindow.UIItemWindow1.UICustomergrouplookupbClient;

    WinCell uIItem10Cell = this.UIItem1usmfWindow.UIItemWindow.UIGridTable.UIRow1Row.UIItem10Cell;

    WinButton uISaveandcloseButton = this.UICustomer1usmfNewRecoWindow.UIItemWindow2.UISaveandcloseButton;



    // Click 'Customer' menu item

    Mouse.Click(uICustomerMenuItem, new Point(35, 40));


    // Click 'Name' text box

    Mouse.Click(uINameEdit, new Point(23, 0));


    // Type 'Alex Customer' in 'Name' text box

    uINameEdit.Text = this.CustomerImportParams.UINameEditText;


    // Click 'Customer group lookup button' client

    Mouse.Click(uICustomergrouplookupbClient, new Point(4, 8));


    // Click '10' cell

    Mouse.Click(uIItem10Cell, new Point(43, 11));


    // Click 'Save and close' button

    Mouse.Click(uISaveandcloseButton, new Point(66, 10));

[GeneratedCode("Coded UITest Builder", "10.0.40219.445")]

public class CustomerImportParams



    #region Fields

    /// <summary>

    /// Type 'Alex Customer' in 'Name' text box

    /// </summary>

    public string UINameEditText = "Alex Customer";



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<UITest xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Name="" Id="d7c9b5a2-9a9b-4562-a65e-678e9d87ba78" AssemblyVersion="10.0.40219.445" Version="1.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/TeamTest/UITest/2010">
  <Configuration />
  <InitializeActions />
    <MouseAction UIObjectName="UIMap.UIMicrosoftDynamicsAXDWindow.UIHomeTabWindow.UINewGroup.UICustomerMenuItem">
      <ParameterName />
      <Location X="35" Y="40" />
    <MouseAction UIObjectName="UIMap.UICustomer1usmfNewRecoWindow.UIItemWindow.UINameEdit">
      <ParameterName />
      <Location X="23" Y="0" />
    <SetValueAction UIObjectName="UIMap.UICustomer1usmfNewRecoWindow.UIItemWindow.UINameEdit">
      <ParameterName />
      <Value Encoded="false">Alex Customer</Value>
    <MouseAction UIObjectName="UIMap.UICustomer1usmfNewRecoWindow.UIItemWindow1.UICustomergrouplookupbClient">
      <ParameterName />
      <Location X="4" Y="8" />
    <MouseAction UIObjectName="UIMap.UIItem1usmfWindow.UIItemWindow.UIGridTable.UIRow1Row.UIItem10Cell">
      <ParameterName />
      <Location X="43" Y="11" />
    <MouseAction UIObjectName="UIMap.UICustomer1usmfNewRecoWindow.UIItemWindow2.UISaveandcloseButton">
      <ParameterName />
      <Location X="66" Y="10" />
    <TestStepMarkerAction MarkerInformation="CustomerImport">
      <ParameterName />
      <Outcome />
  <CleanupActions />
  <OnErrorActions />
    <ParameterList />
Please note that XML will be different depending on how I enter a data. Below I describe a difference between using a lookup for data selection versus keying in the data
Option 1 – Lookup
<MouseAction UIObjectName="UIMap.UICustomer1usmfNewRecoWindow.UIItemWindow1.UICustomergrouplookupbClient">
  <ParameterName />
  <Location X="4" Y="8" />
<MouseAction UIObjectName="UIMap.UIItem1usmfWindow.UIItemWindow.UIGridTable.UIRow1Row.UIItem10Cell">
  <ParameterName />
  <Location X="43" Y="11" />
Option 2 – Key in
<SendKeysAction UIObjectName="UIMap.UICustomer1usmfNewRecoWindow.UIItemWindow.UINameEdit">
  <ParameterName />
  <Text Encoded="false">{Tab}</Text>
<SetValueAction UIObjectName="UIMap.UICustomer1usmfNewRecoWindow.UIItemWindow1.UICustomergroupEdit">
  <ParameterName />
  <Value Encoded="false">10</Value>
Now we can run the test and the system will create a customer for us

Result in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
We can technically create one more customer by changing the code appropriately
Source code

[GeneratedCode("Coded UITest Builder", "10.0.40219.445")]

public class CustomerImportParams



    #region Fields

    /// <summary>

    /// Type 'Alex Customer 2' in 'Name' text box

    /// </summary>

    public string UINameEditText = "Alex Customer 2";



Result in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
In fact we are interested in creating multiple customers at once
For these purposes we can introduce a loop
Source code

public void CustomerImport()


    #region Variable Declarations

    WinMenuItem uICustomerMenuItem = this.UIMicrosoftDynamicsAXDWindow.UIHomeTabWindow.UINewGroup.UICustomerMenuItem;

    WinEdit uINameEdit = this.UICustomer1usmfNewRecoWindow.UIItemWindow.UINameEdit;

    WinClient uICustomergrouplookupbClient = this.UICustomer1usmfNewRecoWindow.UIItemWindow1.UICustomergrouplookupbClient;

    WinCell uIItem10Cell = this.UIItem1usmfWindow.UIItemWindow.UIGridTable.UIRow1Row.UIItem10Cell;

    WinButton uISaveandcloseButton = this.UICustomer1usmfNewRecoWindow.UIItemWindow2.UISaveandcloseButton;



    int i;


    for (i = 2; i <= 10; i++)


        // Click 'Customer' menu item

        Mouse.Click(uICustomerMenuItem, new Point(35, 40));


        // Click 'Name' text box

        Mouse.Click(uINameEdit, new Point(23, 0));


        // Type 'Alex CustomerN' in 'Name' text box

        uINameEdit.Text = this.CustomerImportParams.UINameEditText + i.ToString();


        // Click 'Customer group lookup button' client

        Mouse.Click(uICustomergrouplookupbClient, new Point(4, 8));


        // Click '10' cell

        Mouse.Click(uIItem10Cell, new Point(43, 11));


        // Click 'Save and close' button

        Mouse.Click(uISaveandcloseButton, new Point(66, 10));


[GeneratedCode("Coded UITest Builder", "10.0.40219.445")]

public class CustomerImportParams



    #region Fields

    /// <summary>

    /// Type 'Alex Customer' in 'Name' text box

    /// </summary>

    public string UINameEditText = "Alex Customer";


Result in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
This approach will work if all our customers will have uniform/similar name
However when we really want to do is to import customers based on a file. For example, we have CSV (Comma Separated Value) file with a list of customers
For these purposes we will introduce Data Driven Coded UI Test
Please find more info about Data Driven Coded UI Test here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee624082.aspx
CSV File
Alex Customer2
Alex Customer3
Alex Customer4
Alex Customer5
Alex Customer6
Alex Customer7
Alex Customer8
Alex Customer9
Alex Customer10
Source code



 "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\Projects\\TestProject\\TestProject\\Customers.csv", "Customers#csv",



public void CodedUITestMethod1()


    // To generate code for this test, select "Generate Code for Coded UI Test" from the shortcut menu and select one of the menu items.

    // For more information on generated code, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=179463

    string name = TestContext.DataRow[0].ToString();




public void CustomerImport(string _name)


    #region Variable Declarations

    WinMenuItem uICustomerMenuItem = this.UIMicrosoftDynamicsAXDWindow.UIHomeTabWindow.UINewGroup.UICustomerMenuItem;

    WinEdit uINameEdit = this.UICustomer1usmfNewRecoWindow.UIItemWindow.UINameEdit;

    WinClient uICustomergrouplookupbClient = this.UICustomer1usmfNewRecoWindow.UIItemWindow1.UICustomergrouplookupbClient;

    WinCell uIItem10Cell = this.UIItem1usmfWindow.UIItemWindow.UIGridTable.UIRow1Row.UIItem10Cell;

    WinButton uISaveandcloseButton = this.UICustomer1usmfNewRecoWindow.UIItemWindow2.UISaveandcloseButton;



    // Click 'Customer' menu item

    Mouse.Click(uICustomerMenuItem, new Point(35, 40));


    // Click 'Name' text box

    Mouse.Click(uINameEdit, new Point(23, 0));


    // Type 'Alex Customer' in 'Name' text box

    uINameEdit.Text = _name;// this.CustomerImportParams.UINameEditText;           


    // Click 'Customer group lookup button' client

    Mouse.Click(uICustomergrouplookupbClient, new Point(4, 8));


    // Click '10' cell

    Mouse.Click(uIItem10Cell, new Point(43, 11));


    // Click 'Save and close' button

    Mouse.Click(uISaveandcloseButton, new Point(66, 10));        
Note: Please note that all changes to your test to enable it to use a data source for the parameters will be made to your test's source code file (i.e. CodedUITest1.cs). You cannot modify the code in the UIMap.Designer.cs file.
Result in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Remark: Please note that in order for Coded UI Test to interact with desktop the computer running the test should not be locked during test execution time. Otherwise you will see the following error: “Automation engine is unable to playback the test because it is not able to interact with the desktop.  This could happen if the computer running the test is locked or its remote session window is minimized.”
Summary: This document describes how to use Visual Studio Test Framework to import data into Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 for the purposes of POC or testing by automation of data entry via User Interface. You can organize parallel import of data by running multiple instances of the test at the same time from different clients or investigate how to potentially make use of Load Test Visual Studio Test Framework. Please note that the recommended tool for data import in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is Data Import Export Framework which provides number of standard templates for main business entities and documents, ability to use various entity types (Entity, Composite Entity, Table) and extend it for custom data.     
Author: Alex Anikiev, PhD, MCP
Tags: Microsoft Dynamics ERP, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, Data Migration, Data Import, Data Conversion, Test Automation, Visual Studio Test Framework, Data Driven Coded UI Test.
Note: This document is intended for information purposes only, presented as it is with no warranties from the author. This document may be updated with more content to better outline the concepts and describe the examples.